Iraq...Letters to the Editor (NY Times)
To the Editor:
Rather than luring or conscripting more young people into the military and spending incomprehensible amounts of money to arm them, we should do what is right and rational: sit down with our “enemies,” without preconditions, and talk.
The belief that a strong military can protect us is delusional. The true enemies facing us — religious fundamentalism, environmental degradation, pandemic diseases, poverty, unsustainable methods of energy and agriculture production and violence — are global issues. There will be no military solutions to any of them.
The last thing the world needs is more soldiers sworn to kill for their dictators, theocrats, absolutists and commanders in chief.
Jeffery Blackwell
Delafield, Wis., Dec. 22, 2006
Rather than luring or conscripting more young people into the military and spending incomprehensible amounts of money to arm them, we should do what is right and rational: sit down with our “enemies,” without preconditions, and talk.
The belief that a strong military can protect us is delusional. The true enemies facing us — religious fundamentalism, environmental degradation, pandemic diseases, poverty, unsustainable methods of energy and agriculture production and violence — are global issues. There will be no military solutions to any of them.
The last thing the world needs is more soldiers sworn to kill for their dictators, theocrats, absolutists and commanders in chief.
Jeffery Blackwell
Delafield, Wis., Dec. 22, 2006
To the Editor:
The argument that we should send a surge of new troops to Iraq because we’ve tried everything else amounts to a call for human experimentation with our troops as lab animals.
Unless someone in the government can present a detailed description of what these new forces will do — and how, when and why they will do it — this effort indicates a moral bankruptcy.
James M. Doyle
Brookline, Mass., Dec. 24, 2006
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